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Why You Must Engage Insurance Companies SOONER for Correct PIP Payouts

by Marius Ged, on May 22, 2023 3:14:20 PM

As a medical provider, you know how important it is to provide quality patient care. However, dealing with insurance companies for Personal Injury Protection (PIP) claims can be frustrating and time-consuming, often leading to underpayment or non-payment of claims. 

One way to avoid this issue is by engaging insurance companies for correct PIP payouts when a patient's medical case closes. 

In this article, we will discuss the benefits of engaging insurance companies for correct PIP payouts as soon as a patient's medical case closes, and how this can help you save time, reduce stress, and increase revenue for your practice.

The Problems With Typical PIP Reimbursement Processes

underpaid insurance claim frustrated doctor

Many medical providers often make the mistake of waiting years before checking if insurance companies have issued fair payouts for their PIP claims. This can lead to a significant loss in revenue, as insurance companies may underpay or deny PIP claims for various reasons. 

One reason medical providers may wait to check if insurance companies have issued fair payouts for their PIP claims is that they are often overwhelmed with the day-to-day operations of their practice. 

Medical providers may not have the time or resources to keep track of their PIP claims, leading to delays in submitting claims or following up with insurance companies. This can result in denied or underpaid claims, leading to a significant loss in revenue for medical providers.

The Benefits of Handling Outstanding PIP Claims Sooner

insurance paperwork medical provider

By being proactive with PIP claim reimbursements, practices can ensure that they submit their claims promptly and follow up with insurance companies to ensure that their claims are processed correctly. This can help medical providers avoid missed deadlines and reduce the risk of denied or underpaid claims, improving their revenue streams and ensuring they receive full, fair payouts.

Let’s examine specific benefits related to proactively managing PIP claim payouts:

Benefit 1: Timely Payments

By engaging insurance companies for correct PIP payouts as soon as a patient's medical case closes, you can ensure that you receive timely payments for your services. Insurance companies have specific deadlines for submitting claims, and if you wait too long to submit your claim, you may miss these deadlines, leading to denied or underpaid claims. 

By submitting your claim as soon as a patient's medical case closes, you can ensure that you receive timely payments for your services, reducing the stress of having to chase after insurance companies for payment.


Benefit 2: Reduced Administrative Burden

Another benefit of engaging insurance companies for correct PIP payouts as soon as a patient's medical case closes is that it can reduce the administrative burden on your practice. Dealing with insurance companies for PIP claims can be time-consuming, requiring you to provide extensive documentation and follow up with insurance companies to ensure that your claims are processed correctly. Your office staff deserves to focus more on patients and less time on bureaucratic processes.

By engaging insurance companies for correct PIP payouts when a patient's medical case closes, you can reduce the administrative burden on your practice and free up your staff's time to focus on other important tasks.


Benefit 3: Increased Revenue Streams

Engaging insurance companies for correct PIP payouts, when a patient's medical case closes, can also increase your practice's revenue. Insurance companies often underpay or deny PIP claims, leading to a significant loss in revenue for medical providers. 

By engaging insurance companies for correct PIP payouts when a patient's medical case closes, you can ensure that you receive the full amount of your PIP claim, increasing your revenue and helping you provide better patient care.

This Florida hospital partnered with PIP Recoveries and re-claimed over $176,000 in missed insurance payouts. Read their full story.

Start Sooner - Grow Sooner. PIP Recoveries Can Help

Pip Recoveries CTA 1

Engaging insurance companies for correct PIP payouts as soon as a patient's medical case closes can provide medical providers a wide range of benefits. By ensuring timely payments, reducing the administrative burden, increasing revenue, and improving patient satisfaction, medical providers can focus on providing quality patient care while delegating the complex process of collecting PIP claims to an experienced partner. 

If you need help navigating the process of collecting PIP claims from insurance companies, consider partnering with PIP Recoveries. Our team of experts can help streamline the process and ensure that you receive the total amount of your PIP claims promptly and efficiently. 

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you grow your medical practice faster.

Topics:PIP Referral Cases
