How Medical Providers Can Maximize PIP Benefits Recovery

Written by Marius Ged | Sep 23, 2020 11:43:00 PM

Insurance companies often fall short of covering the costs of your work treating injured people. Your practice might send claims to a health insurer, then on down the line to the auto insurance company, and ultimately to a collections agency — which takes a cut of any recovery obtained.

Recoup more money by deploying our personal injury protection (PIP) recovery system to deal with the insurers. At Ged Lawyers, our legal experts have recovered millions from insurance companies.  You’re here for people in need. The legal team at our firm is here for you.

Our Recovery Method Offers Speed And Transparency For Medical Providers

Once retained, we get straight to work processing claims. Here’s how:

  • Our staff sets up your portal account so that you can track your claims and recoveries. Log into our HIPAA-compliant digital platform with your secure credentials to follow our legal team's progress.
  • Our PIP experts handle the document processing — including the Assignment of Benefits (AOB), Explanation of Benefits (EOB), and billing ledgers. The system cuts work for your staff, maximizing your resources and revenue.
  • In the case of nonpayment or underpayment, we issue demand letters to insurers and require 30 days for an appropriate response and payment.
  • Our attorneys file suit to collect overdue benefits, penalties, and interest without satisfactory payment.

As cases are settled, you’ll enjoy a healthier income stream with no additional investments needed from your end. Depending on the size of your practice, this can add up to tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars that might have otherwise slipped through the cracks.

We’re Experts in Florida PIP Claims

When someone is injured in a Florida road accident, regardless of fault, the insurance company must repay an amount of up to $10,000 in benefits through state-mandated PIP insurance.

If an insurer denies the claim or underpays, a medical practitioner may file a PIP claim to recover the treatment costs. Unpaid or underpaid claims can quickly pile up. Chasing insurers may be the last thing a healthcare practitioner has the time or the will to do.

Enter our experienced attorneys. We examine files, submit claims, win settlements, and go to trial if necessary. We require no financial investment from medical service providers. Costs are paid through penalties and interest owed by the insurers under Florida law.

The legal team at Ged Lawyers brings you 25 years of robust recovery experience to maximize your results. 

Need More Information? Ready to Get Started? Contact Us!

Underpayment by insurance companies for PIP claims is all too common. Get ahead of the game by having Ged Lawyers handle the process from end to end — so you and your staff can focus on treating patients.  

Our system is designed to be minimally intrusive, as our HIPAA-compliant, secure platform enables remote collection and processing of claims.

Contact PIPRecoveries for an initial appointment to learn more or get started now.