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How Orthopedists Can Recover More Money from Insurance Providers

by Marius Ged, on May 9, 2022 6:23:24 PM

If you're a Florida orthopedist who has come to our site, you are undoubtedly treating patients who have been injured in vehicle incidents. And you are probably losing money to insurance companies. We're here to collaborate with you and ensure that insurers follow the law.

You need specialists in personal injury protection claim collections resulting from auto accidents. The attorneys at Ged Lawyers can help. Orthopedists can recover an underutilized revenue stream by partnering with us.

Read on to learn more about what we do and how our services help orthopedic firms succeed.


PIP Claim Recoveries: How the Process Works

orthopedist helps auto accident victim

Personal injury protection (PIP) insurance is required in Florida. Anyone who is hurt in a vehicle accident in Florida is covered by PIP. Orthopedic care, as well as other medical services, are covered for up to $10,000 per case by insurers. If insurance companies reject or underpay these claims, orthopedists may be able to recover money through PIP claim collections.

We work with orthopedic practices in various ways, depending on your preference and situation. We can be involved throughout an orthopedist's claims recovery process or act as a representative for the practice until we can collect all of the funds owed by insurers. Our success is measured by how much orthopedic practices can recover because of our efforts.


How Much Can Orthopedists Gain From Pip Claim Recoveries?

orthopedist budgeting

While each individual situation is unique, medical providers across Florida typically recover between $25,000 and $55,000 in unpaid claims in the first year alone.

How do we get such amazing results? It starts and ends with our safe and thorough workflow.

We deploy mobile scanning units to record and organize large collections of billing paperwork. We sort the inventory of bills up to five years back, using our automated process to pinpoint the key items in each case, including:

  • Name of the auto insurance company. 
  • Assignment of benefits (AOB).
  • Explanation of Benefits (EOB).
  • Overdue benefits, as determined from the EOB.

Our agency is dedicated to ensuring that the older claims do not go past the statute of limitations and slip through our fingers. To achieve this, our team audits all digitized documents, which usually reveal hundreds of claims within the 5-year period for payment.

Using our software, Inspire®, we can quickly digitize paperwork, analyze medical bills, and sort out the actionable from expired claims. The program also accurately determines whether or not a PIP claim has been paid correctly, based on the state's law and cases from the Florida Supreme Court.

The system works - as our satisfied clients can attest to!


More Reasons to Partner With Ged Lawyers

lawyer doctor handshake

Our company's case history dates back to 1995. We're capable of quickly recovering the payments owed to our clients. Our system is intended to operate swiftly, securely, and without requiring a lot of intervention from the medical practice.

Our rates of collection in audited and contentious situations are unrivaled. Most importantly, Ged Lawyers is a HIPAA-compliant company. Many businesses—particularly those who are not subject matter experts—fall short of HIPAA compliance when it comes to simple privacy and security measures such as:

  • Email encryption. 
  • Two-factor authentication.
  • Compliant off-site infrastructure, including an intrusion warning system.
  • Personal health information access logs (these require regular checks to ensure complete deletion of PHI from all devices).

Additionally, we set up a virtual private network (VPN) for our clients to connect securely to the office billing system. 

Regular compliance audits ensure our services meet all pertinent HIPAA privacy and security standards.


Speak With Our Team About Starting Today! 

Attorneys C. Glen Ged and Marius J. (Marty) Ged run Ged Lawyers, which is based in Boca Raton. Ged Lawyers practices in Sarasota, Clearwater, Melbourne, Estero, Naples, and Panama City as well.

Ged Lawyers began our claim recovery service because chasing after insurance companies to pay bills shouldn’t become a full-time job at medical offices. For our clients, it isn’t.

We welcome the opportunity to introduce our legal team to you and begin our work on your behalf. 

Contact us to book an appointment and to start turning records into revenue!

