How to Get MORE PIP Payout Money from Insurance Companies

Written by Marius Ged | May 22, 2023 7:23:04 PM

As a medical provider in Florida or Massachusetts, providing quality care to your patients is your top priority. However, dealing with insurance companies for PIP claims can be frustrating and time-consuming, often leading to underpayment or non-payment of claims.

Fortunately, partnering with PIP Recoveries can help medical providers save office hours and increase revenue for their practice.

The process of collecting PIP claims from insurance companies is known to be lengthy and complicated, leading to many medical providers struggling with this process.

The common issues that medical providers face when dealing with insurance companies include underpayment or non-payment of claims and a time-consuming and frustrating claims process that can take up valuable office hours.

At PIP Recoveries, we understand these issues and provide assistance to medical providers in collecting their PIP claims from insurance companies. Our team works diligently to streamline the process of collecting claims, saving valuable office hours and increasing revenue for medical providers.

In fact, we have helped medical providers recover millions of dollars in underpaid or denied PIP claims.

Why Insurance Companies Issue Unfair Payouts to Medical Providers

Insurance companies are known for underpaying or neglecting PIP claim payouts to medical providers. This is primarily because insurance companies are for-profit entities, meaning their primary objective is maximizing their profits.

In some cases, insurance companies may choose to underpay or neglect PIP claim payouts to medical providers to increase their profits.

Additionally, insurance companies often use complex and time-consuming claims processes that can be difficult for medical providers to navigate. This complexity can lead to medical providers missing important deadlines or not providing all the necessary information, leading to denied or underpaid claims.

Furthermore, insurance companies may also deny or underpay claims as a way to discourage medical providers from providing certain medical procedures that they deem to be too expensive or unnecessary.

This can lead to a significant loss in revenue for medical providers, especially those who specialize in more expensive or complex medical procedures.

Overall, the reasons behind insurance companies underpaying or neglecting PIP claim payouts to medical providers are complex and multi-faceted.

However, partnering with PIP Recoveries can help medical providers navigate the complex claims process and recover the full amount of their PIP claims from insurance companies.

The Benefits of Working with PIP Recoveries

Working with PIP Recoveries is completely free for medical providers. We collect our fees directly from insurance companies, so medical providers do not need to pay anything out of pocket.

This is a significant benefit as it means they can focus on providing quality care to their patients, without having to worry about the time-consuming and frustrating process of collecting PIP claims.

Additionally, PIP Recoveries handles the entire process, from reviewing claims to preparing and filing demand letters, to handling the litigation process.

Medical providers can track the progress of their claims in real-time through the PIP Recoveries client portal, which provides a clear and transparent view of the entire claims process.

Another benefit of working with PIP Recoveries is free consultations with experienced customer specialists. This allows medical providers to learn more about our services and how we can help them streamline the process of collecting PIP claims from insurance companies. 

Our customer specialists are available to answer any medical providers' questions, providing a personalized and comprehensive approach to each client.

Real-Life Examples of How PIP Recoveries Helps Medical Providers Get Fair Reimbursement

One example is a Florida hospital with 10,000 boxes of medical and billing records that needed processing and required a qualified, streamlined solution to handle this massive undertaking.

PIP Recoveries immediately deployed mobile scanner vehicles and audit teams to begin the process. The hospital has recovered over 2 million dollars in underpaid or unpaid PIP claims.

Additionally, PIP Recoveries helped a FL chiropractic center by recovering underpaid or unpaid PIP claims from insurance companies. Before partnering with PIP Recoveries, the chiropractic center struggled to collect their PIP claims and experienced a significant loss in revenue. 

However, PIP Recoveries provided the chiropractic center with a streamlined and efficient process for collecting their PIP claims, and the center was able to recover over $800,000 in underpaid or unpaid PIP claims. 

By partnering with PIP Recoveries, this hospital and chiropractic center were able to focus on providing quality care to their patients, while we handled the process of collecting their PIP claims.

Read about even more success stories by viewing our case studies

Start Getting Your Fair Payouts from Insurance Companies Today

Partnering with PIP Recoveries is an excellent solution for medical providers in Florida and Massachusetts struggling to collect PIP claims from insurance companies.

By working with PIP Recoveries, medical providers can save office hours, increase revenue, and streamline the process of collecting PIP claims while focusing on providing quality care to their patients.

Our team has helped medical providers recover millions of dollars in underpaid or denied PIP claims, providing a reliable income stream that can help grow their practice.

At PIP Recoveries, we are committed to providing personalized and comprehensive services to each client.

Our team of experts is dedicated to helping medical providers navigate the complex process of collecting PIP claims from insurance companies, while saving them valuable office hours and increasing revenue.

If you are a medical provider in Florida or Massachusetts struggling with collecting PIP claims from insurance companies, partnering with PIP Recoveries can provide a reliable and efficient solution. 

With our expertise and state-of-the-art digital platform, medical providers can save office hours, increase revenue, and focus on providing quality care to their patients. 

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with our customer specialists and learn more about how we can help streamline the process of collecting PIP claims for your practice.