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NOT Signing a POA Costs Medical Providers Time and Money. Here's Why.

by Marius Ged, on Sep 13, 2021 9:46:50 AM

personal injury attorney referral

Why does Ged Lawyers ask medical providers to sign a Power of Attorney Agreement? The answer is straightforward - because the process can be disorganized and inefficient if we don’t.

If our lawyers lack authority to pursue a medical provider’s unpaid or underpaid personal injury protection (PIP) cases, we’ll need a bigger time commitment from the provider’s office. 

Sending documents back and forth has time costs. It typically adds three weeks to each recovery process. That cuts into the value that makes our law firm so cost-effective for healthcare offices.  

Sending documents back and forth also has security risks, as we explain further below.

By giving your pip claims service a signed Power of Attorney, you are assigning to our lawyers the role of communicating with insurers and acting as permitted by, and limited in, the Power of Attorney document.

The scope of our actions is strictly limited to recovering what the insurance companies owe for your treatment, and what they must pay in attorney fees under Florida law.


The Power of Attorney Document Is Key to a Safe, Efficient Workflow 

Our revenue recovery work requires access to files involving injury treatments. For this purpose, HIPAA’s patient privacy mandates permit healthcare experts to disclose protected health information (PHI) to their business associates as and when necessary.

But first, the associates have to submit satisfactory assurances that HIPAA-covered information will be used only for the agreed-upon purpose—in this case, the recovery of treatment costs.

Working based on your signed authority to have us represent you, our lawyers have an efficient, direct, and legally compliant method to access treatment files. This enables our attorneys to communicate with insurance companies without requesting document mailings or putting your office in the middle at every turn.

Processing a PIP claim can involve hundreds of pieces of information. When we handle the task from start to finish, your office recovers an important cash flow without spending unnecessary staff hours to pursue it.

See our Guide to Boosting Income Through PIP Claim Recoveries to explore our process.


Hire Experts You Can Trust to Take Data Security and Privacy Seriously

The attorneys at Ged Lawyers put professional responsibility and our clients’ compliance first. For more than a decade, healthcare professionals have relied on our secure process to get paid for the treatment they provide to their patients. Learn more from our case studies of clients who have worked with us.

We have deep experience in managing protected health information (PHI) in medical treatment files. We use meticulously tested IT infrastructure. Continually updated cybersecurity safeguards patient information, ensuring our healthcare partners’ adherence to the Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

Some healthcare providers have asked if, rather than have our lawyers handle the act in their stead, they can simply email the necessary documentation when needed. We note, however, that emailing can put a medical practice at risk of violations of privacy and security breaches. The costs per error can be steep. Data security breaches can incur fines of up to $50,000 under HIPAA.

Through our Attorney-Provider Agreement and signed Power of Attorney, both sides ensure HIPAA mandates are followed in every aspect of representation. 



Hire Our Attorneys and Delegate Your PIP Claims. Stay Apprised on Your Terms

While we represent you, you’re at the controls with our user-friendly, fully HIPAA-compliant client portal. Check the status of our demand letters and our recovery progress wherever you are, 24/7.

Get started with Ged Lawyers by setting up a consultation at your convenience. We look forward to discussing a fruitful partnership with your office. ­­­

Topics:Attorney-Provider Agreements
