This Month in Physical Therapy News - December 2022

Written by Marius Ged | Dec 29, 2022 5:01:10 PM

Keep up with the latest physical therapy news and insights from the industry’s trusted legal partner, Ged Lawyers. Here is an overview of what happened in the physical therapy field this month.

This Month in FL Physical Therapy News

1) New Physical Therapy Concept Center Opens in North Naples

Performance Optimal Health has opened a new physical therapy clinic in Logan, Naples, the clinic's seventh location, with others scattered in Connecticut. Performance Optimal Health focuses on physical health and offers one-on-one instruction. However, yoga, Pilates, and other fitness exercises were introduced over the years to treat and prevent injuries. 

The clinic accepts out-of-network insurance plans for physical therapy and charges $110 to $130 an hour for wellness services, depending on the scope of the treatment. The founder of the clinic, Todd Wilkowski, a former quarterback at Ithaca College in New York, says he has firsthand experience of injuries and recovery and hopes to help people in Naples through the clinic to recover. 

Todd states that South West Florida was an excellent location for their expansion as most of their clients would spend most of their winter there. The clinic is set to provide holistic services in physical therapy with specialists in nutrition and sports psychology through virtual chatrooms. 

“We’re excited to be in Naples,” Wilkowski said. “It’s an environment where people live active lifestyles. And they value health. That kind of fits with our core values and our mission statement.”

Industry Updates

1) Breakthrough Leads a Movement to Fix a US Healthcare System in Crisis

The company Breakthrough has, over the years, advocated for conservative care and patient demand for people in the US. The platform recently led a movement to fix the US healthcare system crisis. More than one hundred physical therapists signed Breakthrough's Pledge to adjust the healthcare system for the patient's benefit.

The Pledge includes: 

  • A commitment to educating the public about the truth of the US health system and the solutions that conservative care provides.
  • A commitment to building patient demand and putting the choice of care in the hands of the patients themselves

During the American Physical Therapists Association's Private Practice annual conference, Breakthrough convinced physical therapists to join a national campaign for a better, safer, more affordable healthcare system that educates patients about conservative care options.

The co-founder of Breakthrough, Chad Madden, MSPT, expressed his disappointment in the United States healthcare system, stating that it is unsustainable, expensive, and ineffective. Breakthrough shared statistics of the healthcare system, which motivated campaigns to focus on patient demand. 

The U.S. wastes $460 billion on unnecessary & ineffective prescriptions & hospital care, with only 0.78% spent on physical and occupational therapy. Breakthrough seeks to have the healthcare system educate people on how exercise and physiotherapy can solve various health issues and consequently save money that would otherwise go into prescriptions and surgery. 


2) Physical Therapy May Help with Soft Tissue Injuries

Bodily pains, especially on joints, could be indicators of soft tissue injuries, which are more common than people realize. When patients follow the rest, ice, compression, and elevation protocol, mild injuries may heal. However, grade 2 and 3 soft tissue injuries may require physical therapy intervention for proper healing. 

The Ace Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Institute says soft tissue injuries account for most of the injuries treated at most outpatient clinics. After analyzing the extent of damage that an injury may have caused to the soft tissue, the physical therapist performs various treatments to reduce the swelling and inflammation. 

Stretching and strengthening exercises may be incorporated to restore balance and motion, and treatment plans like manual therapy. Physical therapists can educate patients on strengthening their bodies to reduce the risk of future injuries. 

Growing Your Practice

1) Proven SEO Strategies for Physical Therapy to Try in 2023

Marketing is essential for any business to thrive. Patients will not just walk into a clinic for the sake of it; they buy into a brand that is trustworthy and efficient in its service. You must sell your practice to more people as a physical therapist to stay afloat.

Online visibility and marketing are ways you can gain leads to traffic which can turn into consumers of your service. Through marketing strategies like SEO, you can boost your online visibility. Here are some SEO tips for physical therapy practice you can use for your website:

Keyword Research 

Keywords are crucial to the success of SEO. Consequently, it would be best to research the keywords used on your website. You should optimize your keywords to the relevance of your service and funnel traffic your way. 

You can also narrow down your keywords to serve the purpose of targeting online users within your location. When you include location in your keywords, search engines will list your PT clinic when users search for clinics within their location. 

High Authority-content  

Physical therapy websites need to align with factual health information. However, this doesn't mean that content should be dull and unsatisfactory. You can make your website attractive with great content that keeps people waiting for the next. Remember, the same people who read your content are the ones who can turn into consumers of your services. As such, the blog posts, information articles, and general content you publish on your website should be relevant and high-authority content.


2) Do You Understand The PIP Suit Process for Medical Providers?

When you partner with Ged Lawyers as a physical therapist, you collect more revenue for your practice. Our unique system for communicating and pressuring insurance companies does the job, so you do not have to go back and forth, wasting previous office hours.

PIP Litigation

We understand how daunting the litigation process can be, so we recommend lettingour firm do it for you. Florida drivers must buy Personal Injury Protection (PIP) with $10,000 in coverage. In the unfortunate incident of an accident, patients sign and transfer an Assignment of Benefits (AOB), providing legal standing for medical providers to demand payment.

Some medical insurance companies, however, frustrate medical providers with underpayment or defaults. Due to time constraints, most providers give up. You do not have to give up your payments; work with Ged Lawyers. We ensure that insurance pays your dues to the latter. 

Seamless PIP Claim Reviews 

Once you retain PIP Recoveries, we work with those documents to return that missing cash flow to your practice. Our automated system makes the process seamless, reducing the paperwork for you.

We index cases and apply an algorithm to identify overdue benefits. Then we submit the claims and handle the entire PIP suit process. 

PIP Risk Management

In necessary cases, our attorneys can file suit to collect overdue benefits. Under Florida's no-fault insurance law, an insurer has 90 days after submitting the claim to deny or pay the claim with interest assessed in the interim. We follow through with all the legal processes in such cases so you can focus on your practice. 


Partner With Ged Lawyers to Increase Your Physical Therapy Practice’s Income

Your physical therapy practice needs a partner like our firm to help follow through with personal injury protection claims. We have an automated system that reduces paperwork and makes the process seamless.

Our HIPAA-compliant client portal assures you of data safety when you work with us. You do not have to worry about expenses, as our pay comes solely from interests in the PIP claims process. 

Contact us today at 561-995-1966 or through our website to learn more about how we can help you increase your revenue.