Why a Second PIP Audit Can Find More Money for MA Medical Providers

Written by Marius Ged | Jun 7, 2023 11:44:18 AM

You may think you've captured all recoverable funds if you've already undergone a PIP audit. But what if your first audit missed something? This is where a second PIP audit from another service can help. 

A second audit can provide a fresh perspective and identify missed opportunities the first audit may have overlooked. 

Let’s explore the benefits and potential downsides of having a second PIP audit, the process of conducting a second audit, the importance of data quality, and real-life examples of successful second PIP audits.

Why a Second PIP Audit Can Find More Money

An additional PIP audit can uncover more recoverable funds than the first. First, different auditors may have different areas of focus and analysis methods, which can lead to varying results between auditors.

A second auditor may have a different perspective, methodology, or analysis tools, which can help identify missed opportunities and underpaid claims that the first auditor may have overlooked.

Second, PIP claims are not static. As businesses grow and evolve, PIP claims can become more complex, with new variables to consider. A second PIP audit can help capture any missed claims due to changes in business processes, new contract terms, or regulatory requirements.

Potential Downsides to a Second Audit

However, there are potential downsides to conducting a second PIP audit. For example, a second PIP audit can be expensive and time-consuming for specific services, especially if the data quality is poor or incomplete. 

Additionally, it may cause disruptions to your existing PIP processes and relationships with your vendors and suppliers.

The good news is that a FREE second audit service from PIP Recoveries is available to all MA medical providers. Let’s explore how a second audit would work and why your medical practice would benefit from partnering with this service, powered by Ged Lawyers.

Understanding the Process of a Second PIP Audit

The process of a second PIP audit from PIP Recoveries involves several steps. The service follows a comprehensive process that has helped businesses recover millions of dollars in missed PIP claims. 

Here's a breakdown of the steps involved:

1) Comprehensive Review 

They start by conducting a comprehensive review of your PIP history. This includes an analysis of all prior PIP audits and a review of your current PIP processes. This step aims to get a complete picture of your claims history and identify any areas of concern.

2) Investigation

After the review, a team of dedicated customer service representatives thoroughly investigate any missed or underpaid PIP claims. This process involves a six-year lookback of all patient files up to six years old.

Identification of missed claims: Once the investigation is complete, they identify any missed or underpaid claims that require recovery. They use their expertise and analysis tools to uncover claims that may have been overlooked in previous audits.

3) The Appeal Process

Finally, PIP Recoveries will work quickly to recover the money you're owed. Attorneys are NOT required to file demand letters in Massachusetts, meaning we can immediately begin the litigation process with insurance companies.

Easily Stay Informed About Your PIP Recovery Process

At any time, you can log in to our client portal to view progression details for each case from your medical provider contacts, including:

  • When the claim was received
  • The patient's name
  • The carrier's name
  • Dates of Service
  • The case's current status (demand phase, in suit, closed, or exhausted)
  • Benefits recovered

When tracking your referral's progress, PIP Recoveries ensures you have the information at your fingertips - whenever you need it.

The Importance of Data Quality

One critical factor that can affect the accuracy and completeness of your PIP claims is data quality. Poor patient data collection and processing can lead to missed opportunities or underpaid claims.

Therefore, a second PIP audit can help identify missed opportunities from previous lookbacks. Every member at PIP Recoveries uses industry expertise and intelligent, secure digital tools to ensure insurance companies reimburse your PIP claims accurately.

Second Lookback Successes: A Real-Life Example

Here are a few additional real-life examples of successful second PIP audits from medical practices partnering with PIP Recoveries:

A chiropractic center in Florida hired PIP Recoveries for a second PIP audit after being dissatisfied with the results of their previous audit. Pip Recoveries conducted a comprehensive review of the center's claims history and identified several missed opportunities for recovery. They found that the previous auditor had made considerable oversights in potentially recoverable funds.

PIP Recoveries then worked with the chiropractic center to litigate and recover the missed funds. The chiropractor recovered more than $870,000 in unpaid or underpaid claims after partnering with our service.

The case study highlights the importance of having a second PIP audit from another service and how it can uncover significant amounts of missed recoverable funds. It also demonstrates the benefits of working with a service like Pip Recoveries, which follows a comprehensive process and provides recommendations to improve PIP processes and data quality.

Start Your Second Lookback and Recover More Revenue in 2023

A second PIP audit can help you capture more recoverable funds by providing a proven methodology, uncovering missed opportunities, and identifying data quality issues. We're proud to partner with providers across the Bay State to help them recover more money from underpaid or unpaid claims from insurance companies.

At PIP Recoveries, our team follows a thorough process to ensure no stone is left unturned in searching for missed or underpaid claims. With their expertise and attention to detail, you can be confident you are getting the most out of your PIP claims. 

Don't leave money on the table – consider a second PIP audit. Schedule your free consultation today!