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The True Cost of Automobile Accident Treatments for Medical Providers

by Marius Ged, on Sep 28, 2020 7:44:00 PM

auto accident example

Insurance companies regularly delay, deny, or underpay claims to medical providers who treat people hurt in road accidents. Treating such patients is vital, but it can be startlingly expensive for medical providers who do it.

Under Florida’s no-fault auto insurance laws, drivers must have personal injury protection (PIP) in their policies for expenses associated with injuries suffered by passengers, pedestrians, car owners, and their covered household members. When properly applied, PIP covers up to $10,000 per injured person — regardless of who is at fault.

Where insurance companies refuse to pay or underpay for treatment services, medical groups can file PIP claims. The process is a significant distraction for medical experts. 

Another drain is the insurer’s own Independent Medical Examination. If the doctor hired by the insurer decides the course of treatment is over, it’s over as far as the insurer is concerned — whether or not your patient is still coping with symptoms, or will in the future. Underpaid claims accumulate, as having in-house or outsourced teams litigate the claims may seem counterproductive. Cases might include hundreds of documents. Submitting demand letters and litigating against insurers is time-consuming. 

But without any extra investment, your practice can redirect your PIP claims, turning them from regular losses into a continuing revenue stream.  

Medical Providers Can Shift Millions Of Dollars In Lost Treatment Costs Into Revenue

Doctor filling out paperworkFlorida’s appellate judiciary supports complete recovery when a patient’s insurance policy provides for higher PIP payouts than the state minimums — as our founding attorney C. Glen Ged has made clear. When hospitals and medical providers instead write off an insurer’s underpayment or denial of benefits, they incur heavy losses, primarily as Florida law provides for PIP reimbursement at a higher level than Medicare rates.

As our PIP audits of EOBs have revealed, several Florida’s insurers have drained medical care providers of millions by selecting a Safe Harbor option, limiting their reimbursements through fee schedules. Florida courts have continued to hold that an insurer may not use that option without clear notifications in the policies, and part of our audit is to check for these designations.

In short, a simple system must be in place to ensure fair compensation for medical offices. Attorney Ged created it, and our team of legal professionals stands ready to put it to work for you. With aggressive, no-cost legal representation, revenue may begin to flow within 60 days. Our legal team can review new PIP EOBs monthly.

Starting with a five-year retrospective audit, we recover the significant lost revenues that remain available by statute. And that brings us back to our original point: the actual cost of auto accident treatments.

We grasp that cost because we have already recovered $47,968,164 in settlement recoveries for medical experts. The legal team at Ged Lawyers, brings you 25 years of substantial recovery experience to maximize your income.

Partnering With Our Firm Pays

section-one-groupHeadquartered in Boca Raton, we work with Florida doctors, hospitals, chiropractors, diagnostic offices, dentists, physical therapy groups, and others.

We appreciate your need for a transparent system with minimal time investment and no financial investment. Our digital platform and service team stand ready to put you first, and we’re here for you during evening and weekend hours as needed.

When you partner with Ged Lawyers, you’ll receive what belongs to your practice, while the insurance company pays the attorney fees. And the enhanced revenue stream can empower your practice to serve more patients.

Contact us to book an appointment and begin the online process today!

Topics:Service Benefits
