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This Month In FL Physical Therapy News - May 2023

by Marius Ged, on May 22, 2023 3:01:42 PM

Keep up with the latest physical therapy news and insights from the industry's trusted legal partner, PIP Recoveries

Welcome to the latest edition of the FL physical therapy news, where we bring you some of the industry's most pressing issues and developments, including new techniques and technologies, legislative updates, and success stories from chiropractors across the state. 

This resource is brought to you by PIP Recoveries, a PIP claim recoveries service for physical therapist providers like you.

This Month in FL Physical Therapy News

pickleball injuries chiropractors

1) Pickleball-Related Injuries on the Rise as the Sport’s Popularity Increases

As pickleball becomes more popular, so do the sports' associated injuries. Physical therapists are seeing a rise in ankle issues, knee ligament damage, and shoulder and elbow injuries among players, especially those without prior experience with racket sports. 

Patients spend hours on the courts without adequately warming up and stretching, which increases the likelihood of injury. 

Physical therapists need to be aware of the potential injuries associated with pickleball because this sport is growing in popularity among people of all ages, including those who may not have previous experience with racket sports. 

As a result, physical therapists may see more patients seeking treatment for ankle injuries, knee ligament damage, and shoulder and elbow injuries. Additionally, because pickleball is more accessible to pick up than other sports, players may spend hours on the court without adequate warm-up or stretching, leading to overuse injuries. 

Physical therapists can help prevent these injuries by educating their patients on the importance of proper warm-up, rest, and gradual strength building. They can also offer screenings to determine activity levels and recommend appropriate sports to prevent injuries.


Jacksonville Orthopaedic Institute has the sign up for its JOI Rehab center at southeast Kernan and Atlantic boulevards.

2) Jacksonville Orthopaedic Institute Will Open 13th Physical Therapy Center in Northeast Florida

Jacksonville Orthopaedic Institute (JOI), affiliated with Baptist Health, has announced the opening of its 13th physical therapy center in Northeast Florida. 

The new 3,200-square-foot physical therapy facility will be located in the Atlantic Boulevard shopping center, featuring custom-built amenities, a well-equipped gym area, and hand therapy services. 

The center will focus on orthopedic conditions and post-surgical protocols and is expected to open this year. The physical therapy center will also accept referrals from other physicians who prescribe physical therapy. 

JOI has locations in several other areas in Florida, including Arlington, Mandarin, and South Jacksonville.

Physical Therapy Industry Updates

shoulder injuries sports chiropractor

1) A New Report Was Released About the Prevention & Treatment of Common Shoulder Injuries in Sport

A recent statement paper summarizes and evaluates the evidence on diagnosing, preventing, and treating common shoulder injuries in sports. 

The paper found that shoulder injuries are common in overhead athletes. High diagnostic accuracy was observed for ten tests covering anterior instability, SLAP injuries, biceps-complex injuries, and rupture of the subscapularis. 

Shoulder injury prevention programs showed a moderate to large effect size in reducing the risk of shoulder injuries compared with no intervention. Choosing an active rehabilitation program seems more beneficial than passive modalities in reducing pain and disability. 

However, the quality of evidence for most estimates was low to moderate, indicating that future high-quality research may alter recommendations for clinical practice. 

The University of Southern Denmark released the study. It is important for physical therapists as it provides an evidence-based approach to diagnosing, preventing, and treating common shoulder injuries in sports, which can inform their clinical practice.

Growing Your Physical Therapy Practice

chiropractor marketing workshop benefits

1) Use Workshops to Create More Direct Access to Potential Patients

One effective way for physical therapists to get more direct access to patients is by hosting workshops. Workshops allow you to showcase your expertise, educate the community, and establish trust and credibility with potential patients.

Consider hosting a workshop on a specific topic, such as "5 Steps to Low Back Pain Relief" or "Balance and Fall Prevention for Seniors." You can promote the workshop through social media, email newsletters, and flyers distributed around the community.

During the workshop, provide valuable information and practical tips to attendees. Be sure to mention physical therapy's benefits and how it can help with their specific condition. You can also offer a free consultation to attendees, which can help convert them into paying patients.

Workshops are a great way to establish yourself as a thought leader in your community and attract new patients to your practice. By providing valuable information, building trust and credibility, and offering a free consultation, you can convert workshop attendees into loyal patients who refer others to your practice.

Collect MORE Revenue from PIP Claims in 2023 

Pip Recoveries CTA 1

If you are a physical therapist in Florida struggling with collecting PIP claims from insurance companies, partnering with PIP Recoveries can provide a reliable and efficient solution. 

With our expertise and state-of-the-art digital platform, your staff can save office hours, increase revenue, and focus on providing quality care to their patients. 

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and learn more about how we can help streamline the process of collecting fair PIP claim payouts for your practice.


