This Service Helps Chiropractors Easily Increase Their Cash Flow

Written by Marius Ged | Dec 23, 2021 4:46:04 PM

We extend a warm welcome to the Florida chiropractic community. 

If you are a Florida chiropractor who has found our website, you are probably treating people suffering from injuries related to car accidents. And you are probably losing revenue to insurers. We’re here to work with you and hold insurers to their legal duties. 

At Ged Lawyers, we’re experts in auto accident medical claim collections. By partnering with us, a chiropractic practice can support sound public policy and recover an untapped revenue stream. Read on to learn what we do and how our services strengthen a chiropractic business.

PIP Claim Recoveries: How the Process Works 

Florida drivers must have personal injury protection (PIP) insurance. PIP covers anyone injured in a car accident in Florida. Insurers must pay up to $10,000 per case to cover medical services, including chiropractic treatment. When insurance carriers reject or underpay these claims, treating car accident injuries can easily cost a chiropractor tens of thousands of dollars.  

A practice might send claims to multiple insurance companies and ultimately to a collections agency, which takes a percentage of recovered funds. Chiropractors can recoup more funds through a direct and streamlined recovery system. 

Our service restores the medical practitioner’s revenue stream going as far back as five years. We issue demand letters to insurers, instructing them to pay the outstanding claims. Florida law allows the insurer 30 days to satisfy or reject the claim. Most insurers properly reimburse the claims at this stage.

That’s when we send the payments due, plus interest, to the medical practitioner. On the small percentage that isn't properly paid, the team at Ged Lawyers will file suit and see it through litigation.

The insurance carriers pay our fees and costs under Florida statute 627.428. The chiropractor pays nothing.

We handle the process from start to finish while the chiropractor focuses on treating patients. Yet, our clients may always log into our platform securely and follow our legal team's work. The process is transparent as we examine files, submit claims, and earn settlements. 

Chiropractors can do everything on our digital platform. And our exceptional client service team stands ready to offer help if our medical clients need us. Additionally, we offer a monitoring service to catch future bills promptly and get them paid. We can train chiropractic office staff members on the intake procedures that best protect the claims.

We remain dedicated to our medical partners' financial strength and success. Read our Guide to Boosting Revenue Through PIP Claim Recoveries for a longer overview of personal injury claims recovery and how we collaborate with healthcare practitioners to automate the process.


Case Study: How Our Service Can Benefit Chiropractors 

As insurance companies down code or improperly skimp on coverage for treatment expenses, chiropractic offices accumulate stacks of unpaid or underpaid claims. These can be efficiently reclaimed as a revenue stream. When one Florida chiropractor partnered with our team to earn back payments, that stream went well into the six figures.

The office stored the claims in file cabinets, and the backlog was large and unwieldy. What did Ged Lawyers do? 

We deployed our mobile scanning unit to record and organize the extensive collection of billing paperwork. We sorted the inventory of bills, using our automated process to pinpoint the critical items in each case:

  • Name of the auto insurance company.  
  • Assignment of benefits (AOB).
  • Explanation of benefits (EOB).
  • Overdue benefits, as determined from the EOB.

We worked quickly to keep the older claims from passing beyond the 5-year statute of limitations legal claim limit. To do this, our team ran an audit, examining all of the digitized files. And we found more than 700 claims still within the 5-year window of time for reimbursement. 

Applying our software, Inspire®, we can efficiently digitize paperwork, examine medical bills, and sort out the actionable from expired claims. The software also efficiently determines whether a PIP claim was reimbursed as it should be. Our system automatically refers to the state PIP law and holdings from the Florida Supreme Court. 

Having discerned which bills were recoverable in this chiropractor’s case, our attorneys immediately began sending demand letters and prepared to litigate where necessary. 

The result? The chiropractor’s office recovered $870,000 and counting.

Learn more from our Florida Chiropractor Case Study. Note: Our website keeps the legal names of some entities generic to adhere to attorney-client privilege privacy rules.


Partner With Ged Lawyers: The Chiropractor’s Clear Choice

Our PIP case experience dates back to 1995. We’re equipped to recover the payments due to our clients promptly. Our system is designed to work swiftly, securely, and with minimal input from the medical practice. 

For both audited and litigated cases, our rates of collection are outstanding. Most importantly, Ged Lawyers is an HIPAA-compliant firm. Why even mention this; doesn’t it go without saying? Evidently, it doesn’t.

Many firms—particularly those that are not PIP subject matter specialists, fall short of HIPAA compliance as it relates to even basic privacy and security measures:

  • Email encryption. 
  • Two-factor authentication.
  • Compliant off-site infrastructure, including an intrusion warning system.
  • Personal health information access logs (these require regular checks to ensure complete deletion of PHI from all devices).

We set up a virtual private network (VPN) for our clients to connect securely to the office billing system.

Regular compliance audits ensure our services meet all applicable HIPAA privacy and security standards.

Speak With Our Team About Getting Started Today 

PIP Recoveries is led by Attorneys C. Glen Ged and Marius J. (Marty) Ged. With offices in Boca Raton, the Ged Lawyers firm also maintains a presence in Sarasota, Clearwater, Melbourne, Estero, and Naples, and Panama City. 

Ged Lawyers began our PIP claim recovery service because chasing after insurance companies to pay bills shouldn’t become a full-time job at medical offices. For our clients, it isn’t. We welcome the opportunity to introduce our legal team to you and begin our work on your behalf.  

Contact us to book an appointment and to start turning records into revenue!