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This Month in Orthopedics News - January 2023

by Marius Ged, on Jan 18, 2023 4:15:38 PM

Keep up with the latest orthopedics news and insights from the industry’s trusted legal partner, Ged Lawyers. Here is an overview of what happened this month in the orthopedics field.

This Month in FL Orthopedics News

1) New Surgery Completed Using New Allograft Bone Pin System


The orthopedics field has witnessed a notable shift in surgical procedures after the success of the use of the Ossifix Orthopedics allograft bone pin system.

The system uses a javelin cortical bone pin, which Ossifix manufactures from a pure allograft bone pin. The allograft bone pin system is applicable for various procedures, including craniofacial, oral, and spine surgery. 

Dr. Robert Graser, an orthopedic surgeon, stated that the implant performed just as expected in the field. He added that he expects patients who have had their procedures done using the system to have a great outcome. Dr. Robert says the implant will likely prevent complications from prior implants with metallic or polymer components. 

Prior technologies are considered invasive and take much time for total healing. The previous techniques also took much surgery time as the procedure tended to be complicated. The new allograft implant and javelin pin system reduce surgery time by almost half. 

The allograft implant is also made from human tissue and therefore is easily absorbed in the body, reducing the risks of rejection or bio-immune response. The recovery time is still being monitored by experts through patients who have already undergone the procedure. 

Industry Updates

1) New President of the T. Leroy Jefferson Medical Society Named

Coleman named President of T. Leroy Jefferson Medical Society Atlantis Orthopedics surgeon Dr. Brian Coleman has been named president of the T. Leroy Jefferson Medical Society. In a statement after being declared president, Dr. Coleman expressed his gratitude for the new appointment. He hopes his new appointment will enable him to increase communication and transparency with leaders in the state.

Dr. Coleman also stated that he intends to use his new position to generate more corporate and community support for programs within society. The Legacy Magazine last month honored Dr. Coleman as one of the top black healthcare professionals in South Florida. He is also a member of the American Academy for Orthopedic Surgeons.

The T. Leroy Jefferson Medical Society is an organization focusing on helping underserved people in the community by promoting various programs, including health education and youth mentorship. The organization also holds periodic health fairs and medical screenings for adults and for children in schools. It also provides scholarships in education, healthcare, and youth development services. 


2) AAOS issues Letter to Congress on Scheduled 2023 Medicare Physician Payment Cuts

Congress Letter Medicare

To mitigate the Medicare Physician payment cuts, the American Association of Orthopedic Surgeons sent a letter to Congress to pass some bills with the same effect. According to a press release, the two bills, enhancing seniors' timely access to care act and supporting Medicare providers act of 2022, have already passed the house of representatives and are awaiting approval by Congress.

The president of the Association for orthopedic surgeons stated that the impending payment cuts to Medicare Physicians pose a significant problem to beneficiaries as they face threats to timely access to healthcare services. The payment cuts also affect the physicians in addition to unsustainability with the impending inflation. 

Consequently, the Association hopes that passing the bills will address the issues. The Medicare providers Act of 2022 would stop the additional cut to physician fees for 2023. Enhancing seniors' timely access to care act, on the other hand, would mitigate the flaws in the process of authorization within Medicare Advantage. The Association's president also states that the bills cannot wait till the next Congress and should hopefully go through as soon as possible. 

Growing Your Practice

1) How to Develop a Brand for Your Orthopedics Practice (and Why it Matters More Than You Think)

branding for orthopedists

Like many other fields of health, your orthopedics practice needs to build trust with patients or clients. Developing a brand for your practice is essential in enhancing the trust that clients have in you. Building your brand as an orthopedic practice is based on letting patients know what to expect from your services and ensuring you deliver on the promises. 

Quality service and trustworthiness are two essential values that any healthcare practice should have as part of its brand. So, how do you develop a brand for orthopedics practice? 

Define Your Practice

Defining your practice entails researching what the orthopedic practices in existence offer and strategizing how your services will set you apart. Finding your uniqueness as a practice will help you build a brand your target patients can benefit from and identify with over time. 

Design a Logo

Designing a logo should take a significant amount of time as it is the face of your practice. Your logo and tagline should reflect and summarize your services and values. Suppose you need help to do it; you can always seek expert help designing a great logo for your practice. 

Be Consistent

Consistency is essential in building a brand. Lack of consistency will reduce patient interaction with your practice and ultimately lessen your brand's visibility. 


2) Orthopedists Are Reclaiming Lost Money Via PIP Suits. Here’s How.

orthopedist pip suit

If you are an orthopedic care provider in Florida, then you have a history of needing help recovering PIP claims from insurance companies. Florida PIP coverage pays up to $10,000 for medical and related expenses within the two weeks following a car accident.

However, insurance companies can sometimes fail healthcare providers regarding financial claims. Ged Lawyers can come in handy in helping you recover claims from insurance.

Insurance companies respond to our demands due to fear of litigation and attorney fees. Our thorough procedure ensures that vital documents are established to support insurance claims. We also follow the process to a successful end through our skilled and experienced attorneys and other professionals.

Our paperwork is digitized using apt software and, in extension, analyzes the medical bills. Our program also accurately determines whether or not a PIP claim has been paid correctly, based on the state's law and cases from the Florida Supreme Court.

Partner With Ged Lawyers to Recover More Money for Your Orthopedic Practice

Looking for ways to unlock more revenue for your orthopedics practice? Partner with our law firm today! Our team of attorneys has over 25 years of experience in personal injury protection law, which we bring to every case to help you recover unpaid or underpaid PIP claims from insurance providers.

Additionally, we do not need any upfront financial investments as all costs are paid through the money we recover from insurers through penalties. Our client portal is also HIPAA compliant; you do not have to worry about a data breach. 

Contact Ged Lawyers today to understand how we can help you recover more money from the insurance providers.



