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by Marius Ged, on Feb 9, 2022 1:06:01 PM

Is your practice working with an attorney without a BAA in place? You could be at risk! The Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requires all medical professionals to …

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Topics:Working w/ Attorneys

by Marius Ged, on Dec 23, 2021 11:46:04 AM

We extend a warm welcome to the Florida chiropractic community. If you are a Florida chiropractor who has found our website, you are probably treating people suffering from injuries related …

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by Marius Ged, on Sep 13, 2021 9:46:50 AM

Why does Ged Lawyers ask medical providers to sign a Power of Attorney Agreement? The answer is straightforward - because the process can be disorganized and inefficient if we don’t …

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Topics:Attorney-Provider Agreements

by Marius Ged, on Sep 13, 2021 9:44:19 AM

Why do we ask medical providers to sign over a legal Power of Attorney to our lawyers before we work together? And, after you sign a Power of Attorney so …

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by Marius Ged, on Sep 13, 2021 9:42:35 AM

Medical providers might understandably ask what they’re signing before working with Ged Lawyers to process PIP claims. Why is it prudent and necessary for medical providers to sign an Attorney-Provider …

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Topics:Attorney-Provider Agreements

by Marius Ged, on Apr 14, 2021 10:02:46 AM

Medical providers need a reliable, transparent partner to recover underpaid or unpaid PIP claims. With Ged Lawyers, our end-to-end technology-driven system and experienced professionals get more results in less time …

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Topics:Service Benefits

by Marius Ged, on Apr 14, 2021 9:19:32 AM

Health care providers treat car accident injuries throughout Florida and all no-fault insurance states without recovering their total costs from insurance companies. Legal assistance may be necessary to follow up …

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Topics:PIP Referral Cases

by Marius Ged, on Sep 28, 2020 7:44:00 PM

Insurance companies regularly delay, deny, or underpay claims to medical providers who treat people hurt in road accidents. Treating such patients is vital, but it can be startlingly expensive for …

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Topics:Service Benefits

by Marius Ged, on Sep 25, 2020 7:44:00 PM

If your practice sees car accident victims, you know insurance companies reject, delay, and underpaid claims. You also understand that doctors hired by insurers sometimes step in to declare the …

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Topics:Service Benefits

by Marius Ged, on Sep 23, 2020 7:43:00 PM

Insurance companies often fall short of covering the costs of your work treating injured people. Your practice might send claims to a health insurer, then on down the line to …

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Topics:Service Benefits